Friday, June 15, 2007

Background of Naming Things (As why intel named as intel?)

The history of brands sometimes present you the inovations and sometimes dumminess of the inventer. It will be very exciting to search about the reasons of branding any thing to be presented to public.

For example: i have seen the following right now.

1) Intel: abbreviated from Integrated Electronics

2) Google: Comes from word Googol which is a mathematical term means 1 followed by 100 zeros. it relects the company's mission to organize the immense amount of information available on the web. Google was assigned mistakenly at the time of domain registration.

So, share your knowledge also and provide brand reasoning as much as you can. It was a very exciting discussion, just belive me.


Ayaz said...

anybody know about vista?

Ayaz said...

Searched another one:

Java: James Gosling, one of the pioneer of the language, started to make enhancement in C++ language for his secret project namely Green Project which was the first step towards the development of an independent language. He named this language as "Oak" inspiring from the name of the tree outside of his office. Later on, it was determined that Oak is copyrighted for the programming language that predated Sun's language so another name had to be chosen. One day in a coffee shop it was decided that the name of the language should be comprises of the names of several individuals involved in the project; James gosling, Arthur Van hoff, Andy bechtolsheim.

Ayaz said...

Oracle: The word Oracle was the code name of a CIA project which the founders had all worked on while at the Ampex Corporation. It means prophecy, vision or revelation, especially in ancient greace an utterance, often ambiguous or abscure, given by a priest or priestess at a shrine as the response of a god to an inquiry.